Can Warcraft succeed on mobile?

In today’s newsletter: 4 great games on sale, Monster Hunter Now launches, Unity responds to massive critique, the first Warcraft mobile game (since Hearthstone) enters pre-registration, and WE host a giveaway!

🎮 Top Story: Monster Hunter Now

Niantic's latest augmented reality (AR) endeavor is now available for iOS and Android. Developed in collaboration with Capcom, Monster Hunter Now allows us to venture into the real world to battle and defeat various creatures, either on our own or with friends. Will it be better than Pokémon GO? Time will tell, and we’ll review it soon. Watch the trailer.

🔑 We’re hosting a giveaway!

Join our giveaway for a chance to win keys for Dead Cells or Streets of Rage. By doing so you can help us spread the word of MiniReview 💜

📢 Mobile Gaming News

🔥 Fresh Reviews

🚀 New releases

🏷 Games on sale

🤔 What do you think? (poll)

Do you ever play mobile games using a controller?

Touch controls are great, but in some games, a controller creates a much better experience. Let us know if you've ever used a controller on mobile by clicking one of the two options below. (hint: you'll also be able to see what everyone else voted! 🤫)

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🧙‍♂️ Editor’s Corner

This day is very special for me. It’s our first official MiniReview Newsletter, after all! With this newsletter, we hope to bring excitement, joy, and the very best mobile gaming has to offer directly to your inbox.

Finally, I just want to take a moment to say thank you to all of you who have been a part of this journey for so many years! We’re just getting started 🚀

Best Wishes,

Sune “NimbleThor” Thorsen
Founder, MiniReview

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